Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Opposite of Self Worth

Dependence and Independence 

Independence has been a word of pride and extreme honor for Indians. As women, specifically, it's a milestone of pride and honor to be able to achieve it.

A certain turn of life events made me realise that we, the financially and academically privileged women have probably never understood Independence.

Why is it that we still need biological and emotional biscuits to be thrown at us despite all the 'Independence'. Does that make us independent in the first place? Slowly slipping into a deep dark mind line where there is no light and a lot of dependence.

Did you know that the opposite of self worth is dependence? I figured, just today.

Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Meet me in Montauk

Of all the things I wished to be
I wished to be Clementine
Keep dyeing my hair
Keep pretending I am fine

Monday, February 17, 2025

Saturday, February 15, 2025

Chak Le India

As I gear up for the big test tomorrow, accepting the age and phase of medical supremacy; watched this girl while coming home from a movie, curly hair denim jacket with a big slice of pizza and a tall glass of colddrink outside a food joint named Chak Le India!
While we could not enter annny restaurant for the long waiting due to Valentines+ Friday night, with all of these young couples, bouquet in hand, misty perfume, constant smile; this curly haired single girl reminded me of myself, of hopeful Valentine's and solo dates.
Am I becoming an optimist already?
Tube tests should be a breeze then?
Dedicating a song from my older self to me today. Absolutely needed.

Friday, February 14, 2025

Grown Up Valentines

As a child, adult, always been a fan of Valentines Day! This time even managed to convert S into a Valentine's week celebrating husband. But ofcourse fate HAS to blow out the candles before it's 12

Here comes tube test and job scare. Just when I thought that things are finally going my way! H and the home I dream of was just getting clearer on the horizon and poof; the horizon is as far as it seemed 3 years ago!

Dear God. Why! 

So I will spend Valentines this year, convincing my manager's manager why I am a wrong fit for his bizzare plans for me and myself, that I can do the tube test without Anesthesia. 

And you, say a small prayer for a boring Bangali 10-7 job hugging Kakima life for me please! I've had enough thrills and unconventional jazz.

Totally hoping for mediocrity and 'regular'.  Please.

Monday, February 10, 2025



Watched the movie?

While I understand the emotion and passion most women felt after watching it, I kept questioning how it ended. It did not show a change of heart of the other genders, or of the women who preach marital slavery. It showed what a brave woman did and what all women must do. But, did not show a magical transformation of the society, or the family, or other women who 'belong' to the kitchen.

So either you live alone or you slave away to Sindoor glory?!

While I wholeheartedly loved the movie,

Would not watch again.

Too much reality causes too much anxiety.

Had to immediately go watch Sex and the City to feel better!