Thursday, October 31, 2019

31st October

The significance or no significance of it.
Swaying over JIRA cards I suddenly looked at the calendar realising it's 31st October.
Five years ago, I used to go all pink and blushy today. I remember writing my best and favorite poem today.
Today, it's just a date, of a hazy memory with someone I would call my own. Of someone I will notice and not wave at, at the airport anymore. Of someone I'm the most jealous and proud of.

THE 31st October 2019.
Where this is the least of my pain.
For worse, but that's a story for different day.

A song, in remembrance, of a time when I was hopeful, chirpy, happy and lucky.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Scary phase when long Diwali weekend irritates. Diwali irritates. Oh Dear Lord!

Friday, October 4, 2019

To live to leave,
So much to leave so little to live
So little to leave so much to live

To leave to live.
So little to leave so much to live
So much to leave so little to live

An entire life wasted


Tuesday, October 1, 2019


Airports have started to make me sick.
Airports churn my gut to a point where I cannot lift my head.
I cannot look left, I cannot look right.
I just cannot look.
The complex and claustrophobia is so disturbing that I've not been home for more than half a year now.
Visited random airports in the last 10months, feeling the same nausea, wondering what to do about it.
This rather depressing post to make me feel good someday when this will pass.