Wednesday, October 11, 2023


 I feel pain

Pain in every transaction of oxygen through my body

Pain in every inch of my heart

Pain I cannot explain, cannot comprehend, Cannot understand or document or reflect or express 

There is an overwhelming pricking of a thousand pins at the palm of my hand and feet and toes and lips and brows and thumb and neck and heart

The heart, it's tearing apart and I cannot explain how much;

Or how, why, since when, till when?!

All I know is I feel pain

And it's getting unbearable

- Abhishikta

Tuesday, October 10, 2023

Wednesday, October 4, 2023

Luck? Anyone? Universe? Please?

Funny how all the prayers and superstitions find their way only throught the dark.

Did life humble you down recently?

Here's looking out for miracles, Universe?