Thursday, June 30, 2011

The darwanji said “uniform chhara toh dhukte dewar order nei” and I smiled and entered SCHOOL as an ‘outsider’ this time to take kutu's report card.
The huge green world which leaves me in awe every time I see it. After sitting and hopping around alone I wondered how cold the school has become and could relate the “in our times…” dialogues which I grew up hearing from teachers and parents who were ex-Diocinas
After taking the results my mother, who has now transformed into the typical "oi teacher ta kom marks dey and tomar meye koto pelo" kind (which she never was 'in my time' and Thank God for that), was on her pride ride (if such a word exists) with other aunties and suddenly a junior said "Abhishikta did na?" and started chitchatting although I could not remember meeting her ever before. I was actually pleased to shower my gyaans on her on how to study before HS and shit and she like everyone else said that she hates engg and 'daaktar hote chai' and I smiled yet again at the tinted world that she still belongs to and which will eventually be broken (as satabdi puts it)
Rima Mitra emerged out of nowhere and I had to touch her feet (:@) and I noticed her pink floaters :) :) :)
She at least is still the same I thought. After initially demoralizing and scolding (and whatever you call it) me for doing B-Tech she said
".. and you would love to know that psychology has been introduced in class IX. I was waiting to give you this news."
and after another few minutes she left without failing to curse maths and physics and wondering why have I given up on psychology and most importantly BIOLOGY and told me how on the first day of class ix I told her I wanted to be a psychologist and she remembers that and whatnot. I cursed myself for going to school.
And finally canteen time it was and I ordered my favourite thin chicken roll and bingo! that don't make it anymore. After calling them all sorts of names I eventually had the worst kind of food that there ever can be.
School is where the heart still is and shall forever be. Our time is over.
Trisha's mother told me the day before "school ta netiye gechhe" and I did not understand what exactly she meant till today but the Diocinas looked happy so I folded up not thinking much at the warmth that somehow was missing and loving everything nonetheless. 

And sir gave me this link bikele
And I smiled wide again

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