Monday, March 5, 2012

Like we were discussing the last day, after hearing how a friend's Granny expired, how difficult it must be, for the one who is left to live, to live.

I have always believed that the best and the most romantic phase of one's love life is when you truly own the person. That happens after tests of time are passed and teeth start falling off and we become our ugliest best! For the parents of most of the daughters and the parents of bad sons... each others company is what they are left with.

I have always seen how Maa calls Dida every day but only gets to see her once in every 6months. Dida never seems unhappy or sad. She blushes when Dadu compliments her ranna and shouts her heart out at every small mistake of Dadu. This is what keeps them going. But what happens when one passes away?(God forbid)

Loss of the only love, loss of the oldest best friend, loss of the only relation that had become the most important. How I love the last scene of The Notebook!

A parar Jethu expired today leaving the pretty Aunty to live. They have no children and I have many memories of pourono bari with them. They always belonged to my list of perfect couple. And now I wonder, what will she look forward to every morning after she wakes up, from tomorrow? Life goes on. It does?

And long live everyone


amrita said...

This is mature feeling so well said.Having gone through the experience of seeing death up ,close and personal doesn't make me any wiser, only makes me realize that once a person is gone is gone- you can never touch them or hear live on with memories , till they tread softly back in your dreams!

Abhishikta said...

Deaths are strange and scary and sad and very very BAD

amrita said...

unacceptable, but a reality we can't escape!