Saturday, February 2, 2013

Easier than it seems?

"Yet each man kills the thing he loves"

Each man? That would be too much of the pessimistic generalization. But yes, most, when the love becomes the rush of the past.

"By each let this be heard"

Isn't there enough of self guilt and mushy nostalgia already?

"Some do it with a bitter look"

This sadistic way to escape probably is the best in certain cases. To cling on with the uglier version of the otherwise lovely face that you have lived with, till, lets just say, yesterday?

"Some with a flattering word"

This requires planning, friendly advice and bitch trait.

"The coward does it with a kiss"

This be the lust or the kiss of death? Whichever way it is, Wilde knew it better and my version of it, well, lets just save it for some other day.

"The brave man with a sword"

End it, gallantly, with or without self pity or disgust.

Till then, lets keep the hope of a tomorrow with no forbidden fruit around, alive.


Abhro said...

You don't say.

Abhishikta said...

I weel I weel I WEEEEL!
Hakuna Matata :D