Friday, April 26, 2013


You would know that exams are here when you suddenly have all the time to realize after all these years that the fan of your room has four blades while the rest of the them all around the house have three!

So there has been a lot going on. And a lot going on.

Firstly there are SIX subjects this time. WHY?
And also I intend to freak out less this time and stop blaming it on people for every could be and would be.
There would be a detailed post sometime soon when I am genuinely frustrated enough with semester this time. Right now, I am plain happy. Touchwood.

Sir says
"porikkhar age ekta porikkha nie blog na korle kintu amio paash korbo na "

So here!

Someday I plan to write text books for WBUT students which would exactly match the standards of the ones we study this time. Seriously! We actually have a DBMS book of 130 pages which explains nothing but has been sold off like hot cakes.

There is a poem that needs to be posted. There are things and there are things. So the semester needs to end. END. And also, we tend to have the bitch-est-est faculty this time with open promises of screwing the practical and internal marks. SO, enough said about the semester to be.

In the mean time, lend your ear jonogon to this!

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