Thursday, April 16, 2015

Cliched Dreams.

Cliches, people have been looking down upon it ever since they wanted to be "different" for the sake of it. The major idea behind the existence or non existence of man is, or at least was(till everyone became Hollywood Superheroes) supposed to be based on the set of dreams one weaves. Dream, the horrible insanity that I call it these days.

Jealousy is a virtue they say, and so is love. Overlapping and folding of these two rule me these days. Jaa k bole mile mishe ekakaar. The submissive binoyi bitch that one heartbreak can turn you into. You gather around sympathy, happily. Yes happily. Anyone who claims to not like the sympathy after continuous exposure of the sadness and put on bechariness is a big fat liar. I know this from first hand experience. There is this one life that is filled with strange unknown words or keywords that the 4 years of elitest CSEhood could not impose on you and there is another life where you have friends and close friends walking towards the scarlet sky on double ticket. Desperate I sound? I might and I do not care.

The the long forgotten topic. Dreams. Would you be ashamed of your dream when they start calling it cliche? You know what is the worst thing that can be? When your dream gorurgaaris require two drivers, one is you and the other (one and only *_*) driver probably wants to drive a single person batmobile instead. Hence your gorurgaari would not run.  Ah life! Now you can happily(?) give away on the only dream you had, be happy for and jealous of everyone. EVERYONE.

You, dear reader. Go ahead and hate me for my excessive compulsive drama while I hope they never turn your dreams into toonibulb cliches which you would never be able to own. Blessings to you. Cheers.


amrita said...
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amrita said...

Batmobile :P I haven't seen him driving anything in a long long time :)

Abhishikta said...

Urrchhe toh :)

amrita said...
