Monday, February 27, 2017


"Tor ghor porishkar korte giye ek gada kaaner dul r clip pelam" the Mommy said during the usual Goodmorning call today, "...Shob Kota oi brown kouto taye rekhe diyechhi jate khuje pash jokhon ashbi"

Somewhere the faint hope they she still holds on to, of me going home, of me settling down, of me leading a normal life, of me finally being happy, of me finally getting accepted, of me finally accepting, makes me worried, very very worried, and extremely sad.

Time to leave everything else and head for home maybe. As Shahid said yesterday 'jism mein dafn' much too much. Or maybe it's just the Monday morning and Supervisor coming back, talking. Who knows. But there is a sense of utmost suffocation and helplessness in Karnataka 560037 and I need to breathe. And I don't know how.

Also the out of context because I like

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