Monday, December 18, 2017

Licking Wounds

The past few weeks have been bad. I have cribbed, crammed, complained, cried, been a pain, inflicted the same pain to the handful of people around, travelled to three different cities in the last three weekends and came back to the hellhole of office.
People have put me down, let me down and disappointed and so have I maybe. Maa, Ankita and Narmada received all of it by choice or not.

Then there were these three yesterday, after a day of utter disappointment, pain, fear, anger and lone roads, and on most of the days! Touchwood.

 I am more than sure that 427 would part ways in the following months but you three have been immense in the past 2.5 years! Millions of fights, insults, cold wars, tum to tu, discussions, midnight outbursts, criticism, judging et al later, here we stand.
Sappy posts later but they really saved the day of self wailing, from different parts of the country at the present moment. At times, all the self claimed batmanhood needs shelter, voluntary shelter. Thank you!

Now I go home to lick some wounds.
For the 6th time this year but never have been this important, the break. Balaposh, komolalebu and winter sun. Hello!

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