Monday, March 4, 2019

We Shall Overcome

We have forever heard and loved the song all over!  I remember my dad singing the English,  Bengali and Hindi version of it, sipping his tea on Saturdays and Sundays in the old red house, and Nana joining in.  It was way later when I truly understood the power of the song.

Today,  we went to teach 33 kids from the orphanage nearby. Sunday being Sunday and kids being kids, we had to give off the last one hour to cricket.  Being horrible at batting and getting scolded by the baby captain, being slightly better at bowling, taking a wicket and getting victory clap from baby captain,  being taught on how to juggle with a football without shoes,  in red sand and epic sun by the 3 year old being the highlights of the day, the childhood song came back to me and how.

These babies,  stood in 3 lines,  of 11 each and sang "We Shall Overkaaaaaaaaam" to welcome us.  One with nose flowing,  one with milk teeth missing,  most with no chappals and dirty clothes,  the sincerity with which the kids looked into our eyes for their "welcome song" made me numb.
I had never been 'welcomed' so warm.
And to think of it,  while we complain about every thing possible,  these 33 kids with one bat, two footballs and a Government school hostel to call their home still have so much hope left.

Here's hoping that they really do overcome and have the best ever, forver. 

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