Thursday, August 1, 2019

The Closest To Coffee House er Adda

The entire India mourns today. For me and CCD,  it's a weird journey.

As a human being who does not drink coffee, or tea for that matter,  I never understood why would people go and spend so much money at CCD. But then, I just pretended I like it (mind you this is 2008 we are talking about,  I had just joined class XI and had this huge crush over a guy who liked CCDs and I, of course, could hardly afford it, except for Durga Pujo luxuries).

Then came class XII,  the HS center,  Beltala Girls,  landmark,  CCD! The mothers waiting in line for us to come out and CCD treats on the last day of the exams (except when you come out too red after a scary physics exam which you might just flunk).

College dates at CCDs where you spend hours at the Dhakuria lake side CCD which had these pretty couch which no other cafe had (mind you this is 2010-2011 where there were not too many cool cafe-s at Kolkata and lake-er-dhare-prem had just started to be a little risky). The bonus being,  they would not tell you to leave even though you're two people and one cappuccino for 2hours straight.

Valentine's Day with the first proper boyfriend at CCD with a 500rs note that the supposed father-in-law had slipped to the pretending-to-be  man,  saying "ghuriye aano", in 2012. Turning blue with cool blue (because some extra love for non coffee drinkers at Valentine's) with what seemed to be start of forever at the random S31 route CCD between Tollygunge and Sakher Bazar.

The cheapest that there was,  Mango shots and Chocolate shots with R and S, bunking Gate forum classes at South City CCD at the hottest of summers and dreaming to be one of the suited girls I saw that time,  at CCD,  doing something that seemed like a "meeting".

Catching up with the old school gang at Golpark CCD,  S and R fighting over their sizzling brownie while A and I had a mutual coexistence of harmony with ours,  and photos to show for it almost 7 years later.  The possobility of being able to smoke in the open seats,  without getting caught by parar kaku/kakima.

The formation and execution of "English Tutor",  our last year at college,  2013 end, Android project, which S simply copied down from Google,  sitting at South City CCD. The joy when it was done, as a group,  for the project and otherwise. The first ever tryst with a laptop at a public sphere,  pretention,  a lot of pretenton.

Post final semester, 2014, when the concept of coupons arrived,  long romantic walks at southern avenue for CCD which had these coupons and offers after/before Wednesday German classes.

Post October 2014, getting down at Ruby on most of the evenings to have A waiting,  walking further down to the petrol pump CCD for the same old conversation,  my same old complains that I was flunking office tests and A-s same old argument that he's not meant for job,  he would just backpack and my extra worries of  how he would survive (mind you this where I still believed what he said is what he meant).

February 2015, my first ever breakup at the Sukanta Setu CCD which was again, a rather hopeful one.  The CCD that day, seemed like it is going to swallow me down.  The boy at the counter to probably noticed a tear and gave two extra tissues on the table later. No exaggeration. The boy at the counter will probably make it to my table topic someday at Toastmasters.

October 2015, the old South City CCD of meeting and greeting the ex.  More hopes building and by now,  CCD had introduced some mint lime drink which the ex realised and ordered,  and added on the hope. The one change in menu made me very happy.  Very,  very,  happy, and I still must have a photo somewhere.

S annoincing the Oxford PhD at the Tollygunje CCD and my mixed anger and pride.
Taking Maa to Jora Bridge CCD to explain life and how,  probably,  I won't live it the way that would make her proud very recently. The wraps took away the attention  from my life plans,  and thank God!

Bangalore first home had a CCD right opposite that remained open till 6. Every time I came rather late,  I would still see night owls and love birds and life would seem happy!
The office tech park center had a beautiful CCD by the fake fountain which had me in way too many tired Friday evenings where chat over chocate drinks won over nearby boozebooze,  especially the one rather late night when I realised I left the ubikey open at office and S accompanied me back,  secured the ubikey and celebrated by the open Bellandur CCD.
The Kanakpura Ramnaga CCD beside rasta cafe, where I had always wanted to work!

Oh CCD.  I remember fighting with the Accenture facility to choose CCD vending machines over anything and yes we got them.  I remember being so happy when the new office had them already.  I remember being so happy when CCD started selling filter coffee powder which became a standard gift to coffee lovers.

The coffee house er adda of our times.
CCD of bunks,  birthdays,  love,  breakup,  first meets,  last meets,  studies,  interviews,  suicides.  Suicide?!

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