Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Aakar School

Another artist post alert, not.

This one's for the one who has been a drawing teacher for almost every cousin I have, which is a HUGE number.

For as long as I can remember of living in the red walled Ammabari, and many years after that as a matter of fact, Saturday 8ams would be 'aakar school'.
Basu sir would play the fm, mostly they would play old Nachiketa songs in those days, and we would copy one of this masterpieces. I would always make horrible animal portraits (I still remember making a Cow shaped Dog for one of the year end certification exams and Sir covering up) and Sir would eventually make an outline and tell me to try again.

Today when I picked up a proper drawing copy after more than 10years, I again struggled to make a cat. Somehow managed to put the back profile and somewhere I knew, Basu Sir smiled from heaven.


amrita said...

The Howrah Bridge looks way better than the cat. :)

Abhishikta said...

Princep ghat e bari! Shob e wishful thinking