Wednesday, September 7, 2022

Hey Samalo

Growing up in a communist backdrop, this song was played and sung every evening, on a dark grey tape recorder, after my father came back from work!

As a child I never quite paid heed to the lyrics, not that I was not a Lyrics Police, but this was way before words made sense.

When Coke Studio brought this back to me, it almost brought me a piece of my childhood of the red bricked beautiful house! And ofcourse a deep realisation that we were probably the last generation to have cherished such rich language jewels!

Also, secretly afraid of a only Hindi hugging child someday who would prefer "abbe yaar" over "dhushala"


amrita said...

The last line made me smile. Clubbing both aspersions would be interesting. Your rendition was good too.

Abhishikta said...

Interesting yes! Although I hope for a world where Bheto Bangalis rule the world 😀