Tuesday, April 4, 2023


We're a bunch of privledged kids-turned-midaged who mostly eat well (touched wood frantically). Our celebrations and grieves are marked with eating and drinking, often without any sort of demarcation between them, all four! 

However, Mangalore deserves a special mention today.

I remember coming to Mangalore back in 2015 where Pdi hosted us in full swing. I was in my own crazy IceCream fast that year and not healing from a certain breakup denial; so that entire experience at Pabbas had me keeping a straight face while N, R and Pdi insisted that I try this and that, atleast that, I denied. 

Today afternoon I visited Pabbas again after 8 years, and ate till I could not eat anymore. Visited that one place that had absolutely made me cry. Changed the narrative!? 

Looking back, it was a very stupid narrative in the first place, but then, we're all stupid and naive.

Here's to Mangalore

Here's to Ghee Roast

Here's to Icecream


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