Wednesday, February 14, 2024

Anxtipated. Ranting, My Old Friend.

Ever wondered if a person with anxiety matching the intensity of a tough constipation would be called Anxtipated?

I could compete for the Anxipated Queen title tonight. Absolutely not being a thankless prick for being able to be in Calcutta for Saraswati Pujo this year again, but then again, shouldn't this be a basic pratice and not another day of endless gratitude of how 'lucky' I got this year!?

I see people half as serious, half as dedicated and if I may say, without sounding like the intellectual snob that I am, half as intellectual or intelligent or sensitive of interesting, happily living the life I dreamt. Sipping bhar er cha, eating bhaja Maggi and calling it a day with Silk Cut around Unitech, earning just as much and also not paying 30k per month for a flat with Kaveri water shortage making making morning news. The crap that SRK and Paulo Coelho spoke and wrote about universe conspiring is so rigged. The winner takes it all, ABBA spoke for all of us!

Saraswati Pujo should be about worrying which Saari to wear and not which Saari to pack since it's almost time to back again.

Anxtipated! Didn't I tell you.

Can you believe it that up until a few years ago dressing up in White, Red or Pink would make me excited and happy on this day, Valentine's Y'all! Look what I've made myself into. Yikes.


amrita said...

And I thought nothing could kill the ever romantic in you!!!!!!!😀

Abhishikta said...
