Monday, May 13, 2024

Restless Days

The guitar, the uke, the drawing book, the writing book, looking at the new leaves, looking at the cooker whistling, driving alone, driving together, drinking alone, drinking together, facing the cooler, facing the stage; and yet, the mind is restless. Waking up exhausted, sleeping off exhausted, working and not working enough. A million refresh through mails, a million refresh through hopes, a million self help talks, a million video calls, a million hugs and yet, the mind is restless.

A sense of defeat, and no, the exam ranting has not even set in. The office ranting has not even started.

Checking on the periods calendar, there's still time. Maybe this is just reality hitting hard, or the future hitting hard?

Could have easily chosen a simpler life.

Should have easily chosen a simpler life.

Peace and Joy? Please!?!

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