Wednesday, May 27, 2009


Because you were there,
I got one more reason to smile,
I got one more friend to high five,
I got one more shoulder to shed my tears,
I got one more gem to call me ‘dear’.

Because you won’t be there,
I’ll lose all that till now I called ‘life’
I’ll lose the advice to strive,
I’ll lose the shouts when I’m wrong,
I’ll lose the inspiration to be so strong.

You came, you conquered,
Touched our hearts to the core.
Oh, my favourite teacher,
I wish I could know you a little more.

-Abhishikta Chakraborty


Unknown said...

abhisikta, u have been and are a very sensitive person. its so much comforting to know the seeds of earth still germinate into such treasures like you. knowing you is like unveiling a masterpiece hidden in the studio of a forgotten maestro. luv u dear

Abhishikta said...

thank you so very much... :)