Friday, May 15, 2009

The Thin Line

Tue- Physics Class at around 6:40 pm
Me whispering to Satabdi :

"Janish....There is a very thin line between being 'unimportant' and 'unwanted'....."
and I knew by her expression that she agreed totally.... our Physics sir's next dialogue "Abhishikta onko ta hoyechhe?"... stopped me from continuing on .... so here it is.
There really is a very very thin line between being unimportant and unwanted... i don't know which way it hurts more... but either ways... it tears one to pieces.... with a feeling that cannot be expressed... a sense of humiliation, a sense of disappointment, a sense of shock, a sense of realisation and a sense which tells you that whatever happened over those years of togetherness and understanding and whosoever you thought completes your world never existed.... or rather you never existed for them............ here comes another hypocrisy.............. i have always believed in 'unconditional love'... in whichever way...... but yeah... when you get back everything that only existed in your worst nightmares... you kind of question yourself all over again.
The worst part is when you stand on the line and the mess around you makes things worse than ever.
I want to write more but I won't...because it's not worth it.... it really is not.
Dear readers.... if this did not make sense to you.... nevermind... because it was never meant to ....and "*******".... I'm very disappointed with.... Ah...forget it... as always.
Stay Happy


Unknown said...

another depressful one...
cheer up sweetheart...!!
god bless u alwaz stay happy...


ya u r ryt......n not in d bit talkin nonsense...dis feelin dat accompanies every break z very depressin n heart breakin to even think of it....doz days of love seem to be a dream, an illusion if one's entire lyf seems to crash down...its terrifyin to realize dat one's love,d pole star of lyf who professed to love u, who seemd to b an angel whom u lookd up at all ur still all of a suden due to some petty misunderstandings u r deserted of ur love , ur may find a cure to cancer in uture bt such pathological antigen lyk d love virus is beyonda any cure...either u love....or u dont.....dere z simply no life ahead.....of dis unwanted painful separation.................................

bt d abov thots linger only for a while....wen d realization dat "besh hoyeche chere geche.....ebar nomo nomo kore notun ekta murgike jogar kori....vagyish byata taratari chereche......jak ebar valo kore khawadawa kori///bole na ashukh theke uthle manusher khide pai beshi!!!!!