Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Happy Birthday JKR!

Seven books, eight movies and an amazing childhood.

Book One, Movie first, I fell in love once

Then the saga continued with twists and turns and new releases and then came
Book Seven, no movie and I fell in love all over again

Yes the dreamscape bit has been disappointing but that does not take away all that it offered.
The endless reading on the stairs, in the dark, right before half yearly. I wondered WHY they had the book releases right before some exam :D
And long discussions of how they have chucked major portions in the movies.

Today happens to be Harry's birthday too. So Hogwarts sessions start in next few days. I have wished all my life for an owl with a letter this time around.

"Until the very end"


I love you


amrita said...

This is nostalgic..I guess Harry has an ageless our house 3 generations read the books..abhro, me and his dadu :)))nice to see your blog after such a long time!

Abhro said...

Ah! This is nostalgic. Well done. :')

And, then there is this

Abhishikta said...

jesus christ!