Monday, December 16, 2013

Random Rambling.

I have always been a fan of trains! Not the local trains and definitely not the ac compartments of all other trains (the Rajdhani Express and all the childhood excitements of ‘khabar debe’ being an exception though). So when you get to feel the chill of winter almost on the train window (which again happens provided you don’t have angry middle aged daddy figures and delicate same aged darlings around) you feel plain happy. And for a moment, you can just forget how your world is a tad bit upset. This time, I also got to see an almost full moon! The sneezes and rolling nose follows soon enough but nothing like those moments of strong wind gushing through your dandruff and right cheek. It was an equally happy experience the first and only time when I had my EKA EKA going to Chhattisgarh last year.
Why I write this today? Because I have absolutely nothing to do. Semester is over and everyone around have exams or work or extensive joint family troubles or are too busy getting all irritated. So THIS.
And also I would be absolutely mainstream in saying I got the much awaited letter and unlike many aging people around, I felt happy! The letter and the happiness are absolutely gift wrapped to me and I take no credit in anything whatsoever. God had just been extremely kind on that one day and night, which makes a day. Whatever that meant. And when you have good people by your side all the time, quite literally this time, somewhere deep down, you really start touching wood, all the time. This made no sense yes! I care NOT.
Since you are THIS jobless to read THIS far, let me also wish you a very happy December. Decembers have never been kind though. Be blessed this time. Have Fun. How I miss the school Christmas parties where Santa would give us ‘pora’ cake, one big komola lebu and a git. Every year! And this post abruptly ends. Here.


amrita said...

The christmas bit is cute- I still have a letter that Abhro wrote to Santa :) and yes..the year ended touch wood!

Abhishikta said...

i still write letters :D