Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Koshish! Ek Asha :)

Human Nature! What a mysterious thing it is.

It was yesterday night, at around this time, I was almost sure I will lose the job, the love, move out of everyone’s life slowly to skip the sympathy looks and today, this moment, I am happy and hopeful again.

Happy because after two months and 9 days exactly, after several RTs and this’ and thats I now have a ‘firm foot’ at Accenture. They did not throw me out afterall. The people who were with me all this while would know how much stress I took, how much of cheek fat I lost. Quite a fight it was. It really was a fight. It took a lot of bravery and I am very proud to announce that even though I was THIS close to giving up, I did not. I had wonderful and supportive people around. So that was a bonus. Thank you. Yes YOU. Who knows what happens tomorrow. Today, I am just satisfied. I can feed myself now. No ‘need’ of a man. The ‘want’ factor? That is a topic for tomorrow.

Hopeful because there is a slight chance of living a life like everyone else for me too, suddenly. Maybe not. But maybe! I am talking optimistic! Surprise Surprise! Today morning itself I said in my prayers that I won’t ask for anything else this year, yet now, I have a million prayers and a few wishes again, Human nature remember?

A longer post sometime soon. For today. Much love, luck and good health to everyone. God Bless.

Also, this video. Which kept us going. Actually. Especially yesterday when everyone almost broke down. And then came today when a someone bent down to say his prayer after the mass pass. Not a moment later. Miracles do happen. And You, let there be ‘koshish’. Pretty Please.


amrita said...

Yes it applies to many of us in a million ways - never say die till....
And the beginning of good times and tide and happiness galore! Bless you beautiful! Looking forward to meeting you soon with a big smile on all our faces ..and Amen to that !

amrita said...
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Abhishikta said...

Most definitely :)
Much love and prayers :*