Monday, March 30, 2015

Wish You Were Here

The little nerd (nerd?) in me wants to build a tree to explain my current state, the parent node of which would be love. Then love would have a right child jealousy and a left child sadness. Sadness would again have a left child of concern and a right child of expectation. The expectation would have a left child hope and a right child tears. Hope would just have a left child happiness. Tears would have a left child depression and a right child death. Now, the luck monkey may (or may not) want to change this weirdly balanced tree to an AVL tree and start adjusting the nodes. How would it look then? The lack in me makes me want to spend the nighy trying to solve the binary turned AVL tree rather than sulking and weeping. Love may follow happiness in the final tree. That is the undying hope!

Now, the jealousy part needs a little more explanation for my own good but that is for another today. Today, I am just a little thankful for the Kalboishakhi and almost caring friends (colleagues) who clicked clicked while I got up to see the lighting all across Rajarhat from 7th floor after a rather emotionally horrible day. Thank God for the rains! I have always believed that it has a strange connection with me, on sad days mostly. However, the sight and sound of Kalboishakhi is all the happiness that I can get for the time being maybe. Although I did fancy being a little more ket and sing ‘wish you were here’ and then I remembered, the smoke and fog are probably a bit too  much for my songs to travel far and wide, through and to the cloud. So, for the time being, I would just try to adjust the tree to an AVL tree, hoping to bring love-happiness together and include togetherness somewhere eventually. I am sure that is possible.

Happy Kalboishakhi everyone, near and far and very very far!  Wish you were here. Yes.


amrita said...

I wish one could be like my father- selfishly happy.I wish I learnt from him the trick to remain in a state where nothing mattered....And like a friend said learn to dance in the hides the tears in many ways...Yes wish you were there ...

Abhishikta said...

I wish I could be like him as well. Alas :)

amrita said...

Awesome view but ....