Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Ignorance is Bliss

Megha hurriedly exclaimed and called the best friends to know about their first Semester engineering results. The best friend had flunked Physics. Shit. The close friend also flunked Physics. The neighbor flunked Physics. HolyShit. Anyway now she HAD to know Abhishek’s result, the guy who took her heart away. Way out? Facebook!
Yes he’s online, YES he’s online.
Megha was happy and she asked him ‘Kemon holo?’
A very wannabe-cool Abhishek replied ‘Dunno, ignorance is bliss’
Now, Megha was his young little girl, straight out of school and all the shin and shine of ‘coolness’ blew her mind. She kept on thinking of Abhishek the entire night. How cool he is who did not even check his result even though he knew 80% people flunked in Physics and her? She did all the superstitious nonsense that she could, to pass.
In movies they show right? One definite moment when the crush becomes the love and violins will play and butterflies will fly around? It was somewhat that for Megha.

While climbing down the stairs and telling Narmada about the late night Conjuring experience (Late night, check, but then, THIS movie, anyway) the topic of something demonic came up and she said ‘Shhh shhh, ignorance is bliss’.
Thus I went back to the Megha and Abhishek tales from my college days. Megha, who died a sad death later and Abhishek, who, touchwood is going to live happily ever after. Let’s not get into how and what happened, but have you ever acknowledged how one small incident in life can remind you of people and things so randomly.
You didn’t know the story right? Or you be the forgetful blessed category? Oh nah, today and forever, for everybody’s sanity,
Ignorance is bliss


amrita said...

I thought if I had a baby girl, I would name her Megha :) and for the rest ignorance is bliss ;)

Abhishikta said...

Yes yes yes I know, pretty name :)