Monday, September 5, 2016

Happy Teacher's Day, Life

Happy Teachers' Day, Life
Yes ladies and non-gentlemen, that is how we close the hard day, with Smita quoting that.

With one set of men leaving and the second set of men following the first. The third set of men obsessing, who once belonged the first set. The fourth set of pseudo first set, lecturing. How it is the same charity tale everywhere, how it is the same hope clinging everywhere, till everything is void.

A cold heart and colder Bangalore is here to witness it all and sigh, just sigh. This too shall pass, someday. Till then, 'chin up, and you'll drown a little slower'.


amrita said...

Ah life is the most effective teacher in the end - and teachers are all human beings, you with feet of clay mostly :P and in the end you learn to swim and float above the waves... And men...Ah men...Amen :D

Abhishikta said...

Fortune tales! :S