Sunday, December 16, 2018

Bluetooth Speaker Speaks of Life

Bluetooth Speaker!

We happen to have a cute little Bluetooth speaker. It's wooden and nice. Made our hearts very happy the day it was gifted, since we had recently moved into a new flat and lost our old speaker. The same speaker, gave me a life lesson today, a lesson that I'll probably forget by night, or probably remember, and start 2019 and life.

So the process being:
1. Bluetooth Speaker once ready to be paired, becomes the receiver.
2. Every phone in the room can connect to it, but the one that is ready to play the song, does.
3. Once paired, the time becomes colorful with the songs of happiness, peace and Bliss.
4. After a while, once the songs become monotonous, continuous, and realistic, the songs stop playing from the phone voluntarily.
5. The bluetooth speaker waits, pauses and waits. Some more. And eventually, our speaker unpairs itself.
To new phones and new songs then?

Merry Christmas from Hasvitha :)