Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Winter Lessons

As kids all of us (read most of us) love(d) chocolates. Some of us over-loved (read ate) chocolate so much that our teeth started decaying or getting cavities.
So did we stop loving or having (read wanting) chocolate any less? No! Of course not.
The doctors stopped us, the mother scolded us, the world laughed at us with better teeth to show. But us? We still loved chocolates. With painful teeth, we just could not let go of our dearest!
But eventually the doctors, the mothers, the logic won and off went the chocolates from our lives (at least for the time being).
We hated everyone, made a hoopla, cried our hearts out, everytime there was a chocolate shop, everytime our friend could happily munch theirs. But then, you had to give it up after all.

Well in life, during days like today, I hope we realise if we're the chocolate or the child.
That's all!

The song, because I love it. No context.

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