Monday, June 17, 2019

While we go gaga over Father's Day,  and few of us go over the mile with father and father-in-law collage (something that I've never been able to understand,  but then well,  feelings are feelings as I've been told), let me wish the woman who drives better than she cooks but then,  ends up cooking a 4 course meal every day (at the very least),  and still shows up at work,  sharp at 9:30,  of course with a lot of complains,  but well,  she does.

Growing up with ideologies of challenging stereotypes, weaving dreams had all the support in the world;  boyfriends,  outings,  staying out,  staying away,  travelling alone,  travellong wide,  travelling with rather questionable people, were always a yes. She regrets today,  for the wilding she's raised I'm sure :D
Of course she faced the societal consequences since 199* but I was always at the best of my heart!
The society is getting to the best these days though, with marriage jazz,  shall pass I'm sure.

So,  to the mother who has NEVER let me down, who has taken impossible amount of stress at my 47 in Geography of class 8 but stayed rock solid with support and pamper when my first job offer went for a toss,
A VERY Happy Father's Day.

To all the Fathers,  to my Father and to THE Father,  enjoy your day Gentlemen! <3 p="">

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