Saturday, March 21, 2020

Quarantining And Bored

I hate people.

I hate dumb people in particular. That includes most of the world so I hate people in general.

Expectations? Quarantine would be easy. But it is not. The workaholic madfuck that I've become, worked 14hours at a stretch for each of the last 3 days and yet the Quarantine is killing me.
I was also going crazy with every sneeze, cough, pimple, motion, headache, backache till today. At a point I was also thinking probably I used to breathe better before, but tomorrow would be the 22nd day back from Thailand, that mostly qualifies me safe for the world.

Forever grateful to B and I for bearing with me. Very irresponsible of me to travel. Accepted. Won't ever admit it in public.
Hence, controlling all the urge to buy one side tickets to Kolkata.

Okay, now I'm just blabbering in boredom.
Baseline, quarantined, bored, hence singing, and missing home of course.
Also, first rain of the year! ^_^
And very glad/thankful to be alive.

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