Monday, April 6, 2020

Chocolate Pastry!

The lockdown has not been too bad on me (trying my best on the optimistic face). Except for the fact that I could not go home (the worries shall come later), I really am extremely thankful for the food on my plate, and quite a variety of it, the abundance of movies and the neck deep work which leaves very little room to get bored.
However, there definitely has been a lack of all things fish and sweet in Karnataka (privileged statement, I know, I'm sorry, really!). To add to this, there are these million Amul ads these days, where every sweetdish makes me hungry, cranky. I have been craving for a good chocolate pastry ever since the lockdown and tadaa, here comes Ns surprise at my door (not that I appreciate food deliveries at this time). Counting my blessings! I could do a happy tear sprinkle with my hunched back at this. Also, before I jinx this as well, like always. Tweedle dee dum

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