Saturday, November 21, 2020

Wishful Thinking

 My love for Kolkata remains in the many filtered evenings where the sky looked more pink than orange. In the many foggy mornings where I would sleep extra till the winter sun shines bright. My love for Kolkata in the most mundane things, my love for Kolkata that can fight the biggest beasts but not him, not her.

Not that I hate Bangalore. Absolutely not. Definitely not anymore if I may put it correctly. Bangalore held me close at a time when the world turned upside down, when everyone raised their fingers. Bangalore accepted me in my middle aged, moody and pessimist self with cheap wines and cheaper dreams.

However, the perfect Bangalorean weather could never make me feel, the way humid Kolkata weather does.

After spending 3 complete months at the city after 5 years, I am emotional beyond words while it is just about to end. Not tomorrow, but I'm dramatic like that.

Kolkata, my love, someday, someday when you think I'm deserving enough, I'll start living in you again.

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