Sunday, May 23, 2021

Nodir Machh Khabena

 Last Saturday morning was explicitly irritating. The first being, having to wake up early. There's nothing in the world that disturbs me more than to wake up early. 

Anyway, woke up by 7 to stand in a long queue, hoping for Maa's second dose. The Kolkata summers did not help, the extreme political corruption and medicine poach did not help and eventually, after wasting my entire morning, I got a rickshaw to get back home.

The overthinker in me already had imagined a lot of deaths due to lack of covid and I was mentally creating BCP plans for all the deaths I imagined. I was stopped midway by the sharp voice of the Rickshaw wala who said, "Nodir machh khabena",

It look me a few seconds to understand he's actually talking to me. The Bangali in him explained how Nodir machh will give me covid and how by avoiding nodir machh alone, I'll outlive the world.

Hence, advise taken and now propagated.

Vaccine bleh, Nodir Machh Khabena

Oh Kolkata ! 

Also, on the same lines, these :')

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