Thursday, June 28, 2012

Advantages of Going to a Not So Good College

Well the title probably hints towards another ‘The Grapes are Sour’-ish writeup. Well yes, it is. Ever since my WBJEE results came out, I have been sulking over my 42369 and the god forbidden college at one corner of the world. I sometimes have also regretted not going to Bhilai for B-Tech.  
A midst all these, I am getting the taste of the sour grapes during the training and meeting the high figh people and suddenly, the not so good college with not so good placement has started to seem like the place I exactly belong to. The advantages as I was saying, of not having the sour grapes are:

1.         Everyone around is as stupid. You can easily come up with the stupidest question and no one questions your intellect. No one gives you second look when you can’t understand how [] differs from (). Freedom!

2.         No one brags about themselves. Yes there is this direct and direct music niye barabari at my college where everyone plays the guitar and everyone is a metal head but people would rather die than boast about their coding capabilities or studies. You get to poke Subhayan at the eleventh hour and ask “Armstrong number ta ki” and have Abhro and Sujoy to text you the codes and programs during practicals. Dhinchak!

3.         You get to be the ‘andho mein kaana raja’ at times. And with everyone around more interested in football scores and latest discount in restaurants, nobody gives a heck about knowing the names of the subjects before study leave. This in turns brings in the satisfaction of ‘morle morbe but ekshathe morbo’. Bliss!

4.         You get to freelance! I specifically thank Bilu and Mou for this. This induces a very busy schedule where you spend nights writing and not coding. You also get to be mean and fight for money from bossdada. Fun!

5.         Everyone around is in love. You get prem korar treats every now and then. You also get the license of lifelong leg pulling and nobody would mind unlike the good students of good college who comes up with the meanest things to say. Ass!

6.         No one is proud of themselves. There is no race to reach there first. There is a strange togetherness in joblessness. Everyone shares the same sorrow of underperformance   so no one detests anyone or is jealous of each other. Everyone around is equally terrible and you won’t understand how comforting it is unless you experience it. Yo baebeh!

7.         You get to be a college student. Yes the school like rules to enter at 9:45 sharp is there but the wall and everyday implemented, updated and modified tricks of entering and leaving college keeps the adventure going. The ‘good’ students and ‘good’ colleges are making me sick with the punctualities and continuous staring at the devil who teaches us at training. They remind me of the XI and XII chemistry class and tuitions where I would stare at the watch every 5minutes and not understand a word. Terror!

8.         No one stays back once the class ends. But the other half of population going to bhalo college would question the teacher even after the bell rings and class ends. And the intellectual and intelligent questions will make you feel THIS small. Ke re bhai!

9.         Easy access to movies, music, games and gadgets. Nobody cares about the attributes of PHP or JavaScript. Yes  there are a few like Abhishek Shah, Sujal and Subhayan who eat drink and breathe computer but they are the people who help and motivate you with ‘read this’ and ‘look C is easy, it’s a dumb language’. They will never and I mean NEVER depress you with their knowledge. Thank You!

10.      You get to be the retarded person you are and even then, you get sooper people around like Sidd and Pocha and Abhro and Sujoy and Subhayan and Neel and Ayantika and Hirak and Mou and Bilu and Raja and Mou and Dola and Sayan and Ankan and Deepanjan (Sorry if I missed a few names) and rediscover Satabdi and Sir and Lol and Swarnava . And many many amazing people which includes classmates and teachers and common friends Love!

And thank you for reading this nonsense for so long!

I really wonder what had I done if I by chance I had been in the good colleges with good students. God has been kind enough to spare me the horror of continuous four years of depression of being amongst people who know it all. One month is more than enough to get a hint of it. Jo hota hain ache k liye hi hota hain.
The grapes are very sour


Abhro said...

syllabus shesh kore eishob bole labh nei! Bluff! :D

but very moving and thought jete hobe ebar mone hocche. like++ :D

Abhishikta said...

oshob chhar
next sunday chandannagar plan cancel korle petabo shiri te uthe