Saturday, June 16, 2012

"Na Maa Pure Silks are BAD. Ota kena cholbena bas"
And Maa did not buy the saree today and went for the blue off white saree that I absolutely loved.
For as long as I have noticed, Maa has this thing for pure silks and I absolutely detest them.
The same story repeats itself whenever Maa decides to shop with me.

The thing that I want to point out is the fact that being a Mommy aint easy, being a woman toh is all the more difficult. I don't think anyone anywhere else will let me wear half pant at home or let me sleep till 12 or prepare the special no sugar 2.5table spoon of horlicks and one mug of milk like Maa does every morning. Why would I even sacrifice this wonderful life of mine and get married and start this whole saga of sacrifices!? Why did Maa do the same?

I have always seen Maa sitting beside me while I sat beside the window. In cabs Kutu occupies one side and   I occupy the other. Maa simply sits in between with no complains whatsoever. Yes there is a sense of guilt accepting the fact that I have always had all the chicken leg pieces all through my life and till today, I don't even know if Maa loves them. Anyday-Any Problem! I just know it for a fact that Maa has a solution and when Maa faces one, I don't even get the hint of it.

Maa my hero!
Happy Father's Day Maa :* 


amrita said...

Just loved it ! 100/100 :P:P:P

Abhishikta said...

dhonnobaad dhonnobaad!