Saturday, June 22, 2013

Nor I half turn to go yet turning stay

I woke up today to very dark clouds bottling the sky by the bedside and smiled. Smiled because the last thought that occurred before the heavy night consumed me yesterday was how things might not be the same. How newness can cast away the old. How everything returns back in many fold, the good, the bad and the ugly.
Yes when you are up there from the ground, not on your feet, swept above. Feel free to trust. And then if you fall, come blame me for I shall blame myself too. Yet the rain comes off and on. Marks two extremes. Happiness? Sadness? Nothingness would rather be the answer. Till next time? Sometime soon?
I woke up today to very dark cloud bottling the sky over my city and smiled. Smiled because there are certain things that would never change. And then it rained.

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