Saturday, June 29, 2013

Demanding and demanding more
Wanting and wanting more
Wishing and wishing more
Expecting and expecting more
Hoping and hoping more

Nevermind all of that.

 LOOK at this man

Starry eyed?
I am *_*

With the constant rerun after rerun of the same depressing (with all due respect) news that Maa watches on 'Aaj Tak' about Uttarakhand and the all so more depressing evening training all week at one end of the world, LOOK at this man!

Or may be this

Little less heavy?
I was.

And then you meet friends with their sad times. And they curse the dogs and go on about how the dog world runs. The before and after transitions, the know whats and know hows and everything that is pessimistic. How everything starts and everything ends and you are supposed to add 'too' to the dog theory and nod and not laugh and definitely not doubt. Doubt what and why and whom if you are wondering, I was wondering too.

You can also become jobless and ponder about a certain dialogue of a certain movie

Same pinch.

But  then there are full moons and Kolkata monsoons to lift up the spirit. How I love the monsoons with all the skin ointments that it brings these days. There are also weekend wonder classes where the ugly teacher suddenly looks oh so hot to the childhood friend. People are just weird.

So you can finally come home and you find CID going on


Oh! You can also be happy about the price of gold. The price of gold has reduced by a fair margin and my mother looks very happy. Absolute comic events follow my home with the rise and fall of the price of gold as Maa wonders away how will I get married when and if I get married. Yes. Laugh :D

But with all of that, these also is

Demanding and demanding more
Wanting and wanting more
Wishing and wishing more
Expecting and expecting more
Hoping and hoping more

Nevermind all of that.


amrita said...

smiling as I read ....for many reasons...the man with the rose remains..umm :)) The price of gold :))
Uttarakhand makes me feel guilty in many ways ..the least I could do is contribute monitarily ! To lose loved ones under such tragic circumstances makes me shudder !

Abhishikta said...

the man with the rose toh <3
and about Uttarakhand, a terrible terible disaster