Friday, July 25, 2014

The list three trips were to Dongargarh ( I traveled all alone Yay!), Digha and Garpanchakot and they all happened within a few hours after the last exam of 5th, 6th and 7th Semesters and hence I could not do my usual miss-me-if-die-post. So here I am posting and wishing people would miss me if I die on the trip to Shantiniketan partly knowing that I wont die and partly knowing that I will be missed if I die (not missed in the while though).

Going to Pailan had its many drawbacks, one of those is that I have lost the big happy eyed look of wonder at long stretches of fields or at the village village feel because Pailan had it all. Odhiker Shomoshshya? This maybe is the reason for which I was ready to drop the trip a day or two ago for certain reasons without trying to solve them.

Life has not been easy and ideally I should be sitting home studying/ grieving. But then off I go for a weekend trip to the land of red soil knowing that when I come back, the days of Vegetables shall start. And if I dont return (which wont happen), I would come and haunt the Momo wala who HAD to close his shop today and disappoint me THIIIIIIIIIIIIIS much. That does not change the fact that I need a job and I cannot think beyond that these days making the life of everyone around a living hell with my idiosyncrasies. So you people could also forgive me for that if I actually pop off to all of your relief.

Such a drama queen I am. Ok Bye.


amrita said...

Enjoy enjoy will happen and then friends won't be able to meet as often as they want to !and Shantiniketan with friends will be fun !! Envy envy....:)

Abhishikta said...

Yesh :)
We had fun ^_^