Monday, July 27, 2015

Let's Waste Time, Chasing Cars!

Nisa reminded us on the group on Saturday, while I was at the backwaters (thanks to ‘bideshi’ Aunty :P ), the second month Anniversary away from home, that we were at Shantiniketan on that day last year. How time flies!

The trip to Kochi was beautiful for many reasons, was awkward to the world because, well, but then I am back to my I-don’t-care-what-the-world-calls-me mode and Maa has been forever agreeing to whatever keeps me happy. Aunty was her kindest best and I absolutely loved the Purple House I landed to. Maa had a very surprising ‘bari o peyechhish Maa o peyechhish’ stance when I told her how the house looks EXACTLY like ours! :D

Spicejet decided to delay their flight and I got to see the beautiful Bangalore lights from up above the world so high, for once Bangalore decided to be kind to me. Talking of kindness, God was extremely kind to me on Saturday with the clear blue sky. YaY! Aunty was the perfect host, woke me up with a cup of Boost on both the mornings, even after a tough night of losing, I still got woken up on Sunday with a smile and Boost and one million Breakfast options :)

I wish I had taken my camera, however, Aunty has this photo with Hattimatim-Tim, which “wont matter to anyone” as I said on a specific sending the photo topic but the why-not stance of Tim to everything and the indifferent attitude, I could somewhat relate to someone I knew (KNEW, YES). Something that I should stop doing but I cant and I wont. Then there was this ferry ride at night, and the river (river?) which happens to be my wallpaper for the last 8 months, and the wind and the news of death. I kind of bring bad luck maybe. Weird. Also, I heard a voice on speaker which sounded JUST THE SAME . Such a retard I am man! -_-
And I was reminded of this little thing I drew last November but rather than feeling embarrassed, I was smiling, not happily, but I was smiling. Told ya! RETARD. And nirlojjo :D

When I left Kochi, I was a little sad because of the one million could have beens all over my mid. The Bangalore airport’s main gate somehow looks like Kolkata’s but then, when you cross them, you won’t see yellow and black taxi-s. Met Asif at the airport, who came from Kolkata after Eid. He had this twinkling home eyes! Well. With millions of thoughts while I was zooming through the first few BEAUTIFUL kilometers of Bengaluru, Sejuti called to ask “khabar tulbo tor jonno?”. I cannot begin to explain how comforting it was after feeling very not-deserving-enough.Thank God for the little mercies of care ^_^

There are a million others things to write about but then, there is this.PG which wont serve me food after 5 minutes. It is not everyday that you are taken to this pretty waterfront restaurant that has pretty lights and good food
To Aunty, Thank You so much
To Babapdada, RIP
To Kochi, You helped me come to a decision point, I now know, I was right all the time.
To South India, I do not like you still.
To Growing up much, Cheers.

P.S. Carrot cakes do not taste like Carrot! They are lovely :P


amrita said...


Abhishikta said...

Yes! What would south India do without you :P