Tuesday, August 9, 2016

VERY Homesick :/

Woke up today with a post on Kolkata saying ‘Why are Bengalis so proud of Kolkata?’ on Quora. Quite a well written article which ended on the Durga Puja tangent, my recent topic of utmost stress. To go or not to go, and how, for that matter. That probably is a topic for some other day. So I was wailing and complaining when Subhayan deviated me to the 9th August reminder.

So HELLO ladies and gentlemen, today is 9th of August 2016. Exactly six (yes, SIX) years ago Pailan happened today. Giving-s and takings-s, healing-s and hurting-s apart, those really were amazing four years of college for me.  

So yeah, that is all the acknowledgement bit that I wanted to do for today.

Also this photo which I found, made me teary eyed. Those days of confidence and unadulterated happiness


amrita said...

What is this photo about ? Cute- flaky -wispy- happy :) 6 years - that's a long time really ! Stay blessed - aar ma durga loves her children !!

Abhishikta said...

It's a random photo ekdin college bunk kore, right before pujo :')
Maa durga toh, ebar ektu pujoy bari deke nik _/\_