Thursday, April 10, 2014

If You'd Only Let It Be

There are times when you want to write and write more and you have so much to write about but you just can’t.
There are times when you just want to hold on and you have so much to hold on to but you just can’t.

This is one of THOSE times and no I am not inviting sympathy, empathy or pity from anyone in any form. Sometimes I do miss school. I am sure everyone does. We would just wake up on summer mornings hoping for the small mangoes to fall off everywhere on the grounds after a ‘Kalboishakhi’ night. Being in bus no 16, we were mostly the second set of bus students to reach school; the first were always bus no 14 people. Those silly little competitions of gathering the maximum number of mangoes and not gathering enough certainly was the ONLY disappointment I had in those times of fairytale living.

Yesterday I had a chitchat with Papu regarding all the possible problems of this age and he made one small comment, ‘Sukhe rakhi bhalo rakhi bhablei mushkil’, regarding a significant someone. Do we all think the same? DO we really feel the need and want to keep someone happy rather than our self selves? Maybe Yes. Maybe Not. Or maybe in the process of trying to make/keep someone happy we overdo things that make them just sad. Do we care? About anyone by ourselves? In this case?

One thing that I have noticed is that my post these days totally loses the track I start writing them on.

 Maa always told me being an obligation to someone is the worst thing that can ever happen to anyone. The worst thing? When you just know that you are. They invented a term worse than the worst? It is when you become a pain in the A place (YES I am too pretentious the B word) to someone you wanted to give the world to.

There are days when you just would want to run away. Although I found the much loved and critically acclaimed ‘Into the Wild’ the most depressing movie EVER! I would just live to do that once. Just to check if anyone at all cares enough. Other than Maa of course. And then I would just change how the movie ended, walk back alive through the pretty sunset to you if you like. Or not if you don’t. I did talk about obligations.

It was a mad hectic day and this post shows! When I become old, I would surely be embarrassed to even mention about my blog to my grandchildren, the possibility of which is again bleak. Bleh! Listen to Lobo instead 


tefltutor03 said...

Love the randomness...this changes with time and age and the stage of life. But school life is the best ...and Lobo remains amazing !

Abhishikta said...

Yesh! School ^_^