Sunday, May 24, 2015

And whither then? I cannot say. Chapter2: Bengaluru.

So this is it then? All my musings and lovings and dreamy eyes for the city ends tonight and tomorrow will take me to a new city. Chapter2: Bengaluru.

No I am not happy and am definitely not the kind who loves the hippie life.The amount of sadness that I feel today at the thought of my last night at the “chhader pasher ghor” which was the only “bilaashita” left in my life has made me realise that I should not have suffocated the only man I have loved, with the marriage ghyan ghyans because I would not have left my house willingly anyway. Ah lesson learnt the hard way!

However, as it stands, off I go to this alien land which random people seem to love, which I will also love probably but nothing takes away the peace when you know someone waits for you with mangsho bhaat whenever you return home. Every damn day. Ah Home! I needed at least one of the two most important people around and hence, from tomorrow, I would officially be homeless.
Cutting the Bollywood a little short (since I would do much much more of that in the next few days), Bangalore, teat me well. Please


amrita said...

May be all this is for the better. Chader ghor will wait for you to come back - but you need to travel to the moon and back. Enjoy the sky and flying high .....the world waits for you :>

Abhishikta said...

Solo traveling to the main and back could bring me Nobel again :P
Anyway thank you. See you soonest :)