Saturday, September 6, 2014


A random conversation during early morning/late night at Shantiniketan about men and mothers. Which also proves how paka we are and the lack we have. Also, how much impact our mothers have on us. I have always loved my mother more than anyone else ever but I pray not to have a family life like hers. One of my biggest fears is that my life would exactly be like hers. Not I don’t disrespect hers but neither Maa nor I would be happy if that happens. I was so surprised to find that it was the case with most. Also, one of us is a psychology student who explained the science behind it all. Let me not get into all of that. YOU can of course judge our lack of fun topics during a holiday. Also raise the point of pressure situation that we create. I don't care.

V: Snores

W: I have to do something for my mother. I have seen her suffer so much. She got married so early, love marriage it was and no it is not always the bed of roses. She has had the most demanding in laws and my poor mother, who left her bright future and job opportunities, even today, is not allowed to visit her maternal home because of the disgrace she brought. I see her nurse my terminally bed ridden poor father day after day. He showers his frustration of not being able to work on my mother, not just by words lashes, who now wonders what would have happened if she was not so much in love. I think it is not right to love someone so much and also ever girl must always complete her studies so that she can support herself and family always.

X: It is all in luck you know. My mother has been working since she was 20, married at 26, is extremely well educated, earns more than my father but is not happy. Because? She is just too self sufficient and my father never felt the need to fulfil any of the demands because he thinks she has none. And of course she is a woman. No matter how much she swears by women rights and feminism she always wanted to come home to gifts from the husband.  And my daddy thought she earns well enough to support herself. So you see? Just earning is not the path to happiness. You also need to express your wishes and needs maybe to get what you want. Although it is quite a daunting task for a woman with self respect.

Y: That is absolute bullshit. My mother has always expressed her needs to my father which he very well ignored. Now when you have demands and you are not sufficient enough to fulfil them and neither would your man. That is sad. My mother could find a job as well but my father and his family did not let her. So it is not always about asking and getting. Not getting something even after asking for it, sacrificing your pet nose, can be heartbreaking as well. We somehow are so dependent on these bundle of insensitivities called men that the heart is bound to break. You know why? Because they are their first priorities. We are nowhere. They would probably marry because they need or body or the mother needs a show piece for the society. End of story.

Z: Chol chocolate kheye ghumoi ebar :D

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