Thursday, September 11, 2014

Letting Go!

Letting Go!

That I think is beyond me. It is not that I have not tried but I just cannot let go off people I love. Often to an extent when I exhaust and trap them. Come to think of it, I still have a small paper where my favourite computer teacher taught me binary before she left school. Imagine!
The worst part is, I attach my game of expectations to all those I love and things go fizzzzzz.

So the summary of this nonsense post is, I gave my clothes, MANY of them, 8 jeans and 2 three quarters and MANY MANY t-shirts and shirts and kurtis that I don’t wear anymore. I had been keeping them anyway for so long. Uselessly. Because I could not let go off those too. Maa would find someone who needs the clothes I am sure.
Bye Bye

So. This. Was. My first step towards letting go. I wonder when I would be able to do same with people. Till then. BAZOOKA!


amrita said...

:) clothes are easy to discard ! for people you need to strengthen your heart :P

amrita said...
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Abhishikta said...

That rhymed :P